Tips To Reduce Headlight Glare
Reduce headlight glare. Navigating the roads at night can be a challenging experience, especially when the glare from oncoming headlights impairs your vision. This common issue not only creates discomfort but also poses a significant safety risk for drivers. Understanding and implementing strategies to reduce headlight glare can greatly enhance your nighttime driving experience, ensuring you stay safe and comfortable on the road. In this article, we’ll explore effective tips and practical solutions to help you minimize headlight glare and maintain clear visibility during your nighttime journeys.
Glare from oncoming vehicles:
• Don’t look directly at the headlights of oncoming traffic.
Follow the white traffic line on the right hand side of the road to avoid direct headlight glare in your eyes. You’ll be able to see other vehicles with your peripheral vision.
• Keep your eyes moving and scan the area.
Don’t focus on the middle of the lighted area in front of you and continually scan for oncoming lights and vehicles.
• Clean your car’s windshield.
A scratched or dirty windshield can make glare worse at night.
Glare from behind:
• Use the night setting on your rear-view mirror.
• Clean and properly adjust your side mirrors
Try turning a bit to your left, you should see no more than the left rear corner of your vehicle. Same thing when you lean to your right. Adjust your passenger side mirror until the right rear corner is just visible.
Glare from your own headlights:
• Your own headlights can reflect and cause glare.
Driving with your high beams on in fog, mist, heavy rain or snowfall can reflect off the moisture in the air.
• Clean and properly aligned headlights will help you see and be seen.
Properly aimed headlights reduce the risk of casting glare on other drivers. Dim, burnt out or clouded headlights can impair your view of the road. Reference this article –
We hope these tips will help you reduce headlight glare when driving, making your nighttime journeys pleasant and safe!
More night driving tips:
• Dim your car’s cabin lights
Bright lights inside your car can cause vision trouble. Glowing light from your dashboard, GPS, phone or cabin roof can be distracting and cause their own glare. Turn off or dim interior lights to help your eyes focus on the light outside of the car.
• Know the PA high-beam law
Pennsylvania law requires you use low beams whenever you are within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle and when you are following a vehicle within 300 feet. If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, flash your high beams quickly a few times.
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