Should you fill your gas tank to the top?
Gas prices are pretty high right now, but is squeezing a few more drops into the tank worth it?
Here are the reasons you do not want to fill your gas tank to the top:
1. It can damage expensive systems in your car!
The extra gas can get into your car’s vapor-collection system and damage it, leading to a check engine light, a vehicle that runs poorly with high gas emissions, and eventually a trip to the shop.
2. The gas can spill when overfilled, which makes it a safety and environmental hazard.
3. It is a waste of money.
You are basically paying for gas that is drawn back in to fill up the hose via the gas station’s pump’s vapor-recovery system, ready to be pumped into the next vehicle.
Always stop pumping when the pump shuts off and don’t try to get that last little bit in. It could cost you big time!
This article was brought to you from Roberts Automotive, a car repair facility located in Mountville, PA. that specializes in foreign car repair.