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Car Talk with PJ

Engine Noise

engine noise

Believe it or not engine noise problems are some of the most difficult problems to cure. It starts with the customer’s vague description of the situation which results in a lot of time being spent by the technician who sometimes cures the “wrong” engine noise. When you schedule an appointment, the technician views the problem from a safety and reliability standpoint, whereas the owner of the vehicle views it as an annoyance he or she can’t live with. I have fixed the “wrong” engine noise so many times that I now require the customer to ride with a technician and point it out to him. It is surprising how many times a car is dropped off and it makes no noise, but if the owner of the vehicle is able to point it out when the condition is present, the technician may be able to find it. Or the owner may decide not to spend money looking for it. We have some sophisticated tools to locate noises – our ears and a 4 channel electronic listening device. Even with the electronic device the technician has to decide where to put the transmitters and that is where the owner comes in. A detailed description of the noise including what it sounds like (marbles in a can is one example), when it happens, and when it was first noticed is helpful. Any information that gets the technician in the right area as soon as possible saves time and time is money. Help him help you. It’ll save you money in the end. When having unknown engine noise, see Robert’s Automotive and schedule an appointment to have it looked at.

3846 Columbia Avenue, Mountville, PA. 17554, Lancaster County | Phone: 717-285-3738

Mechanics serving the automotive repair and service needs of Lancaster County communities such as Columbia, Conestoga, Lancaster, Landisville, Millersville, Mountville, Mount Joy, Washington Boro and Wrightsville.

Copyright Roberts Automotive

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