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Car Talk with PJ

Flat Tire – Avoiding Potholes

flat tire

Potholes. Sooner or later everybody hits one of these things. Trying to save getting a flat tire is a big deal for most car drivers. In the majority of cases even a deep pothole can be a non event. The natural reaction when someone sees one of these monsters is to hit the brakes, which is okay up to a point. To save yourself from getting a flat tire, here are some facts about getting them. The damage occurs because the driver doesn’t release the brake before hitting the pothole. When the wheel enters the hole with the brakes applied it stops rolling because it is now suspended in air. Now the stationary wheel slams into the sharp edge on the other side of the hole bending the wheel, damaging the tire, or both and causing a flat tire. The proper technique is to brake to maximum before the hole reducing speed as much as possible and then release the brake at the last instant so the wheel can roll through it. It may sound bad when it hits, but most of the time there is no damage. You will react correctly the next time you are confronted with Pennsylvania’s state treasure if you think through this technique and practice on some small holes. If you have any questions about pot holes or need to fix a flat tire, see Robert’s Automotive and get it fixed fast.

3846 Columbia Avenue, Mountville, PA. 17554, Lancaster County | Phone: 717-285-3738

Mechanics serving the automotive repair and service needs of Lancaster County communities such as Columbia, Conestoga, Lancaster, Landisville, Millersville, Mountville, Mount Joy, Washington Boro and Wrightsville.

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